On 3/july/2015, Mr.Dong Yong Ming received 7 Disciples at a Taiji training camp in Fu-Xian lake/Kunming/China. The ceremony was guided by master
Zha-Xi, and presided by Mr. David Yang
2015年7月3日董永明先生在 中国昆明抚仙湖太极拳培训基地,由杨大卫校长主持,扎西大师指导下,举行收徒仪式的照片
Photos de groupe – Group Pictures – 团体照
Part of the training pictures in Kunming
Participation in a Taiji demonstration organized by Belgium government
Master Zha-Xi has photos with each students from Yong-Nian Yang’s Taiji group
Award winnings in various competitions
Maître Zha Xi et M. Dong – Master Zha Xi with M. Dong – 扎西大师和弟子董永明先生
Cérémonie d’acceptation de Disciple – The ceremony of Disciple (DiZi) acceptance – 拜师儀式